On contract in Fort Defiance Arizona (staying in Gallup, NM)
CAIRN Traveler (CT) Week in Review
NOTE: Yet again, posting late in the week . . . really need to get my act together here. I think I’m going to shoot for Monday evenings as I consistently have these off.
It’s been kind of a slow week here in Gallup, having snowed off and on for the last 5 days, but we’ve had some great snow walks and Hiker LOVES the snow. I know I’ve been promising my Top Ten Goals for 2021 so it’s finally here. What’s yours?
Top 10 things to do when life starts again in 2021
(Watch the video for the details)
Start Swimming Again
Get a Tattoo
Visit Family in SC
Work with a Personal Trainer
Visit Canada
Go Skydiving
See a Chiropractor
Mountain Biking
Run a 5K
Learn Guitar
BONUS #11 - VLOG Every Week for a Year
BONUS #12 - As you know from previous videos . . . paying off my truck this year!!
We continue to stay toasty using the propane furnace in our homey aluminum shell, despite temps falling below 0 degrees. I realized this week that it’s been over two years on the road and now over a year full time in the Airstream . . . a MUCH OVERDUE tour coming soon!!
Cameras: Canon EOS R5, Apple iPhone XS Max
Audio: RODE Wireless GO and Device Native Mics
Editing: Adobe Premier Pro (Creative Cloud)
**I used some motion graphics templates for the Top 10 and I usually don’t add music to this VLOG series but thought it appropriate this time.

Love the goals post so much fun and all for the tattoo very cool I like the band idea! And I don’t know why but I got teary eyed watching you have fun with Hiker in the snow! So proud of you and LOVE that you are making experiences and loving life out there!